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الخميس، 13 سبتمبر 2012

Humans and certainty ..By khadija Chakiry

Humans and certainty
I felt that last year in the Arab region was not a normal year, Not only because it was revolutions, dropped dictators of all kinds in different countries, I feel that sense of change that people want began to become a general sense and this a result of a lot of things. Humanity is need prosperity because humans still lag, Globalization has made a lot of people from different countries know a lot of things and it made people know each other or know the existence of each, I guess That this relationship aims the world began to start strongly and that people are beginning to share information in one seconds and the world becomes share the same information, did not remain something or information could has limits or hours of travel, for example. The new generation now has a lot of questions for example why that is forbidden? Why something is imposed on me? Why there is no equality between women and men? Where is justice? What is the wisdom of this provision in the law? All this questions is in our minds but to not stop in this questions we search about the consequences or causes to be a social leader, to seek on social and global things. Society then will give you there attention to know why we are why we exist; when an atheist comes and ask me the Muselmans are behind for this reason what will be my answer. We think that Europe and say now that more rate atheism be in European countries even more from American and other Western nations, were they atheist from the beginning? These were the most religious people in the name of Christianity, alert and reaction are the causes of Separation of church and state, religious people did a wrong and bad acts against instinct in the name of religion. What the Arab nations has gone in the last years of political vibrations and the spread of corruption has Destabilize the faith of others who did not have a strong foundation from the beginning, they mixed between religious values and social values and politic values, most of them are leaving religion because of the actions of some of these religious but the main reason is their cravings, originally they preferred to follow the self-whim and does not want to be governed by Islamic restriction:

This book written by Antony Flew and he is a philosophe shows the exictence of ALLAH. Antony Flew was the biggest atheist, this book has many chapters but the most important chapter which says why Iam atheist? But he did not enter to any religion he only recognizes the existence of ALLAH. To talk about this subject needs a lot of time but there will be parts of the subject. Next time I will talk about the law and the Prophet MOHAMMED (صل الله عليه و سلم ).
By: Khadija Chakiry

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